iPhone Friday – tips and updates on iphoneography

Welcome back.

I will start this week with an app I am using more and more….



When I first saw this app on a list of “must haves” I wondered why an app which probably just turned your iPhone Pics into a square was such a big deal. Surely every editing app can crop images square. However, as I have discovered, SquareReady is in fact perfect for when I DON’T want to use a square image, but still want to share it on Instagram.

Let me demonstrate with a few recent examples


 Squareeady is an easy and perfect way to “mount” a non-square image in a white square and helps add impact to your images when you don’t want to crop.  However, I realised that on my white background on my blog it is trickier to see them, so I have added a black background to show them off better on my blog!

An added bonus is that it also gives you plenty of room to add text (which I usually do with the  Phonto app).


I am managing to keep up with my photo-a-day-with-my-iPhone challenge, and here are a selection

Choir Practice

Another brooch created for Janmary Designs
Took my daughters to see One Direction
 It was Mother’s Day here last Sunday
And usually somewhere in the week our cat is the subject of my iPhone camera (he objects less than the kids do!)


 I now have a monthly iPhoneography newsletter – it will include a roundup of some of my recommended apps, articles from the blog you may have missed, and some exclusive content!




If you want to share some of your own mobile phone photography images link them below:


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