
7 years of blogging ….. and a new chapter begins

Back in March 2007 I wrote my first blog post

Hadn’t much of a clue what I was doing (no change there then!)

Primarily I wanted to share my digital scrapbooking layouts and connect with others online

I have loved recording wee bits of our family life – I have published 1077 posts according to my WordPress dashboard.

Being able to express my thoughts and share my faith

Even when no one else reads them!

I have met some lovely bloggers who I consider close friends

My blog has been my companion through some dark days

It has given me opportunities to travel, try new things, meet new people. It always me to process my thoughts and express them creatively ….. Much to the amazement of my English teacher from my school days that I am actually choosing to write!

Life has changed significantly over the last 7 years.

Back then I was a stay at home mum, married with 3 kids, on a career break from banking, and we didn’t even have a pet…….I didn’t make jewellery, I didn’t bother that much with photography (most people can’t remember me without a camera in my hand!)

7 years on, I’m still married (!) and still have the 3 kids (!), but now run my jewellery business (Janmary designs) have 2 ginger cats – George and Garfield, and I even sometimes call myself a blogger!

I have discovered iPhone photography, even teaching workshops on it, and who would have believed how much technology has now become such an integral part of our lives with smart phones and tablets.

My blog has grown and developed and is now an integral part of my life.

I record my daily life (primarily in my daily iPhone photos), share my faith, and the odd recipe, craft idea or room makeover.

I enjoy sharing life here in Northern Ireland with bloggy readers around the world.

However the last 5 weeks have seen a significant new chapter begin for my family.

My mum had a devastating stroke on 8 February, and we are grateful to still have her with us at all. The stroke has impacted her mobility, communication and cognitive understanding.

There has been a huge shift in the family dynamics and whereas until recently (and I don’t think that ever really stops) my parents were worrying about us, now it is ours turn.

Last week my Dad was admitted to the Cardiac Unit in the Ulster Hospital and yesterday Mum was transferred from the Stroke Unit of the Ulster Hospital to a Nursing Home. Going down to their house while they were both in hospital, choosing what personal items Mum would like in her new room, just didn’t feel right.

Here is her new home


She has a lovely bright sunny room, and the staff are caring and attentive. No restrictions on visiting and lots of free parking, so will be much easier to visit compared to her 5 weeks in hospital.

So, understandably, blogging is taking a back seat for now. I mentally compose blog posts as I’m driving back and forward to the hospital but they never are written …. until this one – it’s currently 4am and I’m wide awake, so my blog is keeping me company!  I will add a few pics and make sure this rambling still makes sense later on today before I hit the PUBLISH button.

Fortunately I have worked out how to automatically post my daily iPhone Instagram photos, or my blog would be a very boring empty place right now.

So, dear readers, thanks for continuing to visit/comment. I am grateful for your well wishes and prayers for our family.

We are just taking a day at a time for now.


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  1. So sorry to hear of your family struggles right now. But I definitely your blogging for 7 years is a big accomplishment and it’s great that you took some time to post about it. Best wishes. 🙂

    1. Thanks Jennifer – glad I marked the occasion with a blog post! Thanks for your visit

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